Thursday, February 7, 2008

Getting our groove back

Our best idea so far was conceived two nights ago. Having just arrived in New Zealand, we were both still slightly jetlagged, and unable to sleep. So we both sat up on our beds, and in the silence of the dark we planned out what just could be the best idea of our lives yet.

Here’s the thing. After working the sort of jobs we just came from, neither of us felt like we could work for another company. At least…not yet. While the last 12 months have given us some wild and definitely interesting opportunities, not to mention having brought the two of us together, we found at the end that the job was beginning to take more than it gave, which was why we both left when we did. As selfish as it sounds, we had gotten pretty much all we could from the experience, and it was time to move on.

But moving on requires more than just leaving our jobs behind. We had both strayed so far from the paths we had always seen ourselves on that it would take something drastic to get us back on track. Like getting on a plane to New Zealand with no apparent plan in mind. Just two visas in hand, all of our worldly possessions crammed into four bags, barely enough money in the bank, our sense of adventure and most importantly, faith that things would work out and that we’d be taken care of in ways that we would find amazingly awe-inspiring later on.

So it came to us on that night that neither of us could stomach the idea of getting another job and being tied down to one place, even for short term. There’s just too much to see and do in this country. Landscapes to inspire, people to meet, experiences that we hope will reignite the motivation and creativity needed to achieve the things we want to in life. We both have such great dreams and goals for the world around us. We can’t possibly tackle those dreams in the current state of mind we’re in.

Now, one of those goals we have in mind is a trip around the world riding motorcycles next year. I don’t know if any of you are aware of this little fact, but well, you’re going to need this bit of information to understand why we decided to do what we’re about to do next. Our trip around the world is purely for charity and we’re working on it even now. The intended date of departure is somewhere in March 2009 and there’s a website up for it, which we will update regularly from now on until our departure date. As a precursor to this great event, we decided to travel around New Zealand on wheels as well. However, in a campervan. The van will be fully equipped to live in (complete with a kitchen sink) and it seems the best way to go for now and gear up for our trip.

The last few days have seen us constantly checking, the local online auction/marketplace for The Van that will suit our needs. We found one that seemed perfect! And crossed our fingers all the way through the auction, but were outbid five minutes to closing by $1000 over our budget. Last night we found another one that took our fancy, and in that awe-inspiring way I was talking about earlier, realized that we had been outbid for a reason and this was an even better deal and more value for our money.

So we’re going to get it.

And by Sunday, we might just yet be on our way to having one of the best adventures Mr. Green and the waternymph will ever have.

And we’re taking you along for the ride.

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