Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Jungle Kayaking in Kuching

So this is part two of the pictures. It started off in the Orang Utan sanctuary where they have 25 Orang Utan - the oldest of which is 38 years old!
Here's Ayu and I watching the feeding.
This is one of the younger Orang Utan catching fruit that the keeper is tossing up to him.
Ayu and I checking out the self-closing leaves. If you touch them they auotomatically retract.
Ayu with one of the pitcher plants. They're carnivorous.
Larger pitcher plants
The river we rafted down.
Ayu and on on the bridge at the end.
A waterfall halfway down the river.
At the beginning.
Also at the beginning.
Ah, sorry - too many pictures at the beginning.
Cocoa beans at the village. Drying out - they may one day be the chocolate you eat!
Ayu and a cat at the village.
Another one.
Really nice cat.
These are how the cocoa beans start out. Then bugs eat the fruit off the outside.
What's left gets dried by the sun and then ground into cocoa (I would assume).
The remains of our lunch went to this dog at the end.
The end. For now.

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